Anchors Aweigh!

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Launch Out


I’ve spent a long time thinking about this website.

Thinking about what I wanted it to look like.

Thinking about what I hoped I would have the courage to write.

But, thinking was as far as I got for almost two years. I filled up my already-busy days with distractions to avoid working on it…because my focus was in the wrong place.

My focus was on ME and MY thoughts.

Slowly, with the help of a unique community of Dreamers and Builders, I began to understand that this website is not about ME.

It’s about helping and connecting with a community of people.

What kind of people?

People who know there is more to life, but need a little encouragement or guidance to reach it.

People with compassionate hearts and incredible dreams that are fighting doubt and fear.

People who need practical advice and an inspirational advocate who knows how to overcome adversity and isn’t afraid to help you overcome it, too.

People who are willing to be part of a community by encouraging others and participating respectfully.

People like YOU.

Once YOU became the focus, my daily schedule changed. I found time. It was hard. Some days I am still amazed at the interest that people have shown in what’s being built here.

So, why did I start this site? What’s it all about?

I want to use my writing, my experience and skills to help you find and reach what really matters in life and business.

I want to build a community of like-minded folks who are reaching for what matters and are willing do so together.

Last weekend, I had the privilege of attending Launch Out Conference 2015 in Nashville, TN.

My pretty, new website was ready (shout out to the incredible Mike Loomis).

But, honestly? I wasn’t sure anyone would be interested.

Then, through incredible speakers like Kinda Wilson and Ronne Rock, I was reminded that this thing is not about me. So many incredible people took the stage who challenged and inspired me. Then, there were hugs, great conversations and the warmth of community shared over meals that left me determined to follow through.

And, so. Here we are.

In the nautical theme of Launch Out….ANCHORS AWEIGH!



At the conference, I presented a workshop called, “Will It Business?”

Starting a business is one of the top things people I’ve coached and mentored say they dream of doing…yet there is hesitation and fear. Is my idea good enough? Am I cut out to be an entrepreneur?

The workshop is designed to help people think through whether or not they should start a business (or not). I used my 15+ years of business and project management experience to distill what I feel is vital to understand before starting a business.

I worried no one would “get” it.

But, to the contrary, I’ve received such positive feedback from the brave souls who took my workshop in Nashville that I’ve decided to make an online version available to you!

If you’re interested, please sign up here!

Thank you for being part of this community.

Tell me: what would help YOU reach what matters?

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  1. Way to go Liz!!

    • Thank you, Jill!

  2. Ahoy ! Site looks great, cannot wait for the awesome content you will share. Way to go!It will business!

    • Thank you!! And may I say, it was wonderful getting to meet you and your wife last weekend! You are both awesome!!

  3. Wow! This is amazing! Now I know why I had that dream! *swallows lump in throat* you’re such a rockstar! Great job and good luck continuing your big moves, cause you’re making them!

    • Thank you, Whit!! Love you and miss you!! Thank you for your encouragement! xo <3

  4. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! You are an insightful gift!

    • Thank you!! Takes one to know one! <3 :)


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