The Best Possible Option

The Best Possible Option
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Once upon a time a long time ago in a land called Ohio, a tired mom was facing a problem.

It wasn’t really a big problem, but to her, it felt like one.

She didn’t really “see” the problem until she got to church each Sunday.

It was as if something magical happened when her growing family pulled into the church parking lot. She would suddenly “see” her 4 kids in a whole new light: toothpaste smeared on shirts and mouths, mismatched socks, cowlicks – why hadn’t she seen any of this before they left the house?

She was tired of looking like a Target-ad-gone-wrong and made a special effort one Saturday to make absolutely sure her family had their Sunday best ready to wear to church the next day. She ironed. She steamed jackets. She matched socks.

She rose early Sunday morning and administered the getting-ready-for-church ritual with military-like precision.

As the young family neared their church building that Sunday, she felt relieved. FINALLY a Sunday where she didn’t have to walk in feeling a little embarrassed. She was wearing a dress and her husband and kids were all wearing button down shirts, dress pants and jackets.

It was then that she saw bright orange balloons.

People wearing bright orange T-shirts along the church’s driveway holding signs waving enthusiastically.

What was going on?

The mom hung her head as it dawned on her: This was “Biker Sunday.” The ONE Sunday a year where the church hosted an “outreach” to Bikers including a contemporary service followed by a church picnic / pig roast outside.

Everyone was wearing jeans and orange t-shirts.

How could she have forgotten Biker Sunday?

The car filled with silence. The woman’s husband was noticeably uncomfortable.

“Um, honey?” He said. “I think…we’re overdressed.”

OH, the irony.

He pulled into a parking spot. She used her incredible powers of over-thinking to break it down for her family:

“Ok, the way I see it, we have a few options:

  • Option 1: We go in dressed as we are with great attitudes and volunteer anyway. That’s what church is supposed to be about, right?
  • Option 2: We go inside, explain we forgot, buy orange T-shirts and wear them over our dress clothes.
  • Option 3: We run back home and change into jeans and come back.
  • Option 4: We go visit my mom’s church. She’s been asking us to visit.”

The car was still silent.

Suddenly a small child’s voice broke the silence from the back seat:

“Option 5: DONUTS!”

The tired mom burst into laughter (which contagiously spread throughout the car). She looked into the back seat to see one of her meticulously dressed toddlers smiling up at her with his giant blue eyes and an honest smile. He didn’t realize it, but he put everything into perspective.

The (obvious) moral to the story:

Your heart and attitude matter SO much more than how you’re dressed.

BUT, in the event you arrive overdressed to a social event, don’t underestimate the power of fried pastry as a potential solution!

(HUGE shout out to the amazing Kurt Cummings who MADE the donuts shown in the above picture! You can order donuts, cakes or any other delicious foods from Kurt here. His food is absolutely incredible!)

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  1. That would have been me! I gave up on having everyone look their Sunday best a few years ago. We just need to get there. I’m glad we go to a relaxed church, but I’m sure some look down on us because the kids aren’t fancied up.

    • Amen for relaxed churches!! Anyone who looks down on you is missing out on the freedom that comes from just ‘coming as you are’ and loving each other! Thanks for your comment. :)


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